Village Calendar
This page shows upcoming events, holidays, or other special occasions that are happening in or around New London, Ohio. If you would like to request an event/occasion to be added, please select the button below and follow the steps to request the addition of an event, holiday, or other occasion.
Adult Easter Egg Hunt
Over $700 in cash prizes, tons of prizes,music, senior/handicap area. Early Bird tickets only $15, $20 at door after April 1. New London Recreation Park , 2 Blake St.,New London. Must be 18 and older to participate.
2025 NL Kids Easter Egg Hunt
2025 NL Kids Easter Egg Hunt. Sunday April 13, 2025 11:30 am. New London Recreation Park. Prizes, Fun, Food/

American Legion Post 292 Car Show
All makes/Models/Years & Motorcycles Welcome
Dash Plates for the first 75 cars
Top 10 Trophies-Judged by Participants
1st Place Trophies judged by: Legion Commander, Auxiliary President & SAL Commander
Music by Mobile DJ Frank Lamanna
Chinese Raffles, 50/50 Drawings and Food
Info: John 419-651-0620, Ron; 419-706-1229, Dave 419-554-1645

Hometown Holidays Celebration
New London’s Hometown Holidays BEGINS! This celebration of all things Christmas, goes for all weekend the 10th & 11th. Downtown New London will have games, events, and other activities happening throughout the event. Local businesses will also be joining in the fun with their own special deals. And of course, there will be varies children’s characters making appearances.

Celebration of Lights/Christmas Tree Lane
Inspire New London Celebration of Lights/Christmas Tree Lane

New London Parks Gun Raffle
The New London Parks is hosting a Gun Raffle at the Hileman Building. Doors will open at 11 a.m. and the raffle will be starting at noon.

New London Halloween Festivities
New London’s 2023 Halloween will have many fun activities like: a Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree, a Halloween Parade for All Ages, a Costume Contest, and of course TRICK-OR-TREAT!
Inspire NL Jack-o Lantern Jamboree 3-4 pm Food: 3-8 pm
Business Trick-or-Treat 3-4 pm
Trick-or Treat in the Village 4-5pm
Rotary sponsored Parade 6pm

Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Library group is hosting a book sale on the New London Library lawn. The sale will have all types of books, which have all been acquired via donation. All earns will be going towards the Friends of the Library group.

Firelands Labor Day Festival
The New London Parks Department is happy to once again invite everyone to enjoy the Firelands Labor Day Festival. The festival will have many venders and concessions. While also having several forms of entertainment such as: carnival rides & games, truck & tractor pulls, a demolition derby tournament, and more!

Rockin’ the Rez
We’re here to give you the beat and to free your soul so you can get lost in the Rock’n Roll. This years Rockin’ the Rez is going to be AWESOME! There is going be venders, concession, and a beer tent. Starting at 3 p.m. there will be three acts: Tarp, Bad Juju, Sticky Sweet a Def Leppard Tribute

Community Garage Sale Weekend
The Village of New London is hosting its Community Garage Sale Weekend from the 24-25th. The times posted on this website are subject to change and will vary, so for the most up-to-date information check ads in the “New London Record” closer to the weekend.

Country Music Festival
Here’s an AMAZING event for all country music lovers alike. This country music festival will have venders & a beer tent. Starting at 3 p.m. there will be three acts: Aidan Albaugh, No Fences/Garth Brookes Tribute and an Alabama Tribute Band Boys in the Band

Summer Reading Program at the Library Begins
The Village of New London’s Library will be hosting a Summer Reading Program from June 6 through July 15. This years theme is “Oceans of Possibilities” and there will be activities for all ages offered anytime during this program.

New London High School Graduation
The New London High School would like to invite family and friends to help celebrate the Senior Class of 2023. The graduation will be held at the New London High School football field. Join us as we wish these AMAZING students “Bon Voyage” as they start a new and exciting chapter in their lives.

Memorial Day Parade
The Village of New London welcomes everyone to join us in paying our respects to the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. There will be a parade and ceremony celebrating Memorial Day.

Food Vendors, Merchandise, Live Entertainment, Beer Tent, Adult Egg Hunt, Pull tabs. Call 419-929-8609 for camping and event questions.

Pancakes with the Easter Bunny
We will be serving breakfast from 9-11 am
Donations Only
Coloring Contest & Egg coloring
Hileman Building
2 Blake St.
New London Ohio

Community Townhall Meeting
Community Townhall meeting at New London High School Cafeteria to discuss the solar eclipse and how that will effect our community.

Hometown Holidays Celebration
New London’s Hometown Holidays BEGINS! This celebration of all things Christmas, goes for all weekend the 10th & 11th. Downtown New London will have games, events, and other activities happening throughout the event. Local businesses will also be joining in the fun with their own special deals. And of course, there will be varies children’s characters making appearances.

New London Hometown Holidays
New London’s Hometown Holidays BEGINS! This celebration of all things Christmas, goes for all weekend the 9th & 10th. Downtown New London will have games, events, and other activities happening throughout the event. Local businesses will also be joining in the fun with their own special deals. And of course, there will be varies children’s characters making appearances.

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
New London will be starting December off right with a Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 1st at 7 p.m. The lighting will be happening at New London’s Gazebo Park. ALL ARE WELCOME!

New London Parks Gun Raffle
The New London Parks is hosting a Gun Raffle at the Hileman Building. Doors will open at 11 a.m. and the raffle will be starting at noon.

New London Halloween Festivities
New London’s 2023 Halloween will have many fun activities like: a Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree, a Halloween Parade for All Ages, a Costume Contest, and of course TRICK-OR-TREAT!
Inspire NL Jack-o Lantern Jamboree 3-4 pm Food: 3-8 pm
Business Trick-or-Treat 3-4 pm
Trick-or Treat in the Village 4-5pm
Rotary sponsored Parade 6pm

Inspire NL Piston Show
Inspire NL invites everyone to come and enjoy an AMAZING Car Show. Come checkout some beautiful cars, trucks, and bikes. There will also be food and music for everyone.

Firelands Labor Day Festival
The New London Parks Department is happy to once again invite everyone to enjoy the Firelands Labor Day Festival. The festival will have many venders and concessions. While also having several forms of entertainment such as: carnival rides & games, truck & tractor pulls, a demolition derby tournament, and more!

Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Library group is hosting a book sale on the New London Library lawn. The sale will have all types of books, which have all been acquired via donation. All earns will be going towards the Friends of the Library group.