Make A Payment
Utilities Payment
Village Income Tax Payment
Additional Information On Billing & Taxes
A village tax returns cannot be filed electronically through TurboTax or other tax software programs. Please drop off your return, mail into 115 E. Main St. New London, OH 44851 or we do have the e-file option above.
Who Must File A Tax Return
Every Resident, 18 years of older whether or not a tax is due, is required to file a tax return. Also, All individuals or companies operating a business within the city limits of New London. If you are retired or permanently disable and are no longer employed, indicate this on you tax form and return it to the tax department. The New London tax department is located at 115 E. Main St. New London, OH 44851.
Automatic Payment
The Village offers automatic utility payment withdrawn from your checking/savings account at no cost. The withdraw for your utility payment is done on the 15th of every month. If you are interested please fill out the ACH request form and return to the utility office or email it to utilities@newlondonoh.com.
Income Tax Forms
Employer Tax Forms
Additional Documentation
For questions, comments, or tax help please contact:
New London’s Income Tax Administrator Michelle Popa
Phone: (419) 929-4091 option 4
Email: nltax@newlondonoh.com